Here's a list of people who thought it'd be a good idea to give me money to do stuff.
Since said stuff is closed source, there's not all that much code to show here.
A massive online open course ed-tech company. My first job to not involve any mobile development, I was on the infrastructure team. Had to pick up Scala, my first functional language, which was a blast. I contributed to an internal load balancer and AWS deployment tools, and designed and built a real-time abuse protection service. Did this as part of the KPCB Fellows Program.
Noom is a cool little company that makes a weight loss coach app for iOS and Android. I worked on a team to develop a social network for group therapy, contributing code to both platforms, as well as working on internal tools for our in-house psychologist to monitor users and automated tests to monitor the database.
In the Governor's School program, a bunch of talented high school juniors are housed on campus for an intense month of courses, company tours, and independent research. I worked as a research mentor in conjunction with the Ph.D.'s from Dynawheel, guiding four students in the design and implementation of smartphone games for stroke rehabilitation. I myself had gone through the Governor's School program a few years prior, where I first learned about Android development, so mentoring was a pretty cool experience.
The Dynawheel is a medical smartphone accessory, providing a system for engaging physical therapy, because squeezing a therapy ball gets boring fast. I worked closely with the creators to develop a remote reporting system that makes local patient metrics available to therapists via a web interface.